
Since 2004, Julia Vitalis has worked as an artist in the areas drawing, painting, objects, photography and literature. Since 2007 she has focused on performances on the basis of 9 Viewpoints (Maik Riebort), Action Theatre (Performance Lab Berlin), Butoh/ Noguchi Taiso (Henriette Heinrichs, Annalisa Maggiani, Yumiko Yoshioka, Minako Seki and Katsura Kan), Shamanic Trance Dance (Hiah Park), authentic movement and Yoga. She cooperated with the Trio Hokuro (Michael Northam, Sachiyo Honda, Sabri Meddeb) as well as Christian Markwart and Nicola Jeremic (echoplex sound) and danced in Katsura Kans piece "Curious Fish" 2009 in the Brotfabrik Berlin. Her Performances have been presented on various festivals and in galleries in and outside of Berlin, her piece "nothing in betweeen" 2009 at 100 Grad Festival Berlin, at Ostrale x:tra Dresden, at White Nights Festival Skopje/ Mazedonien and at Kontrapunktfestival 2010 in Sczcezin/ Polen. "How to become a forest" has been shown for the first time at jardin rouge in Zürich, Switzerland in 2010. 2011 first experiments with music improvisation (vocals, drum) and performance with Andrzej Rejman and 12 other artists in the Teatr Academia, Warsaw.

Since then focus on combining the practice as a healer in shamanic tradition with art. In addition, strong influence by and intense exploration of Contact Improvisation since 2015 (Marielle Gerke).

Please ask for a detailed vita.

Contact: kontakt(at)vitalisart.de



© Julia Vitalis, Berlin 2009
Webdesign/HTML: Annette Köhn

Frontgraphic: Julia Vitalis
Graphical Editing: Holger Stück
Background Graphic: Annette Köhn (www.comicstube.de)
Many thanks to Emily and Michael for the corrections

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